How do the holidays negatively affect our body systems?

Strike One: Stress

Whether it’s due to family coming into town, holiday shopping or increased demands at work, we seem to add a little more stress to our plates which negatively impacts our hormones and then we have less of an ability to adapt to our busy lives.

Strike Two: Digestion

When we have more stress, we stray from our healthy eating habits.  We swap veggie snacks for our co-worker’s famous pumpkin bars or Grandma’s Christmas shortbread.  How can we resist, after all, we don’t want to hurt their feelings by passing on tradition?

Strike Three: Immune

One too many of those holiday treats plus that added stress will put excess strain on the immune system and then we start to get the sniffles or that scratchy throat in the morning.  Often times, before you realize you’ve been immune compromised, it’s too late! 

Solution? The Detox Before You Retox Challenge

By cleaning up your dietary habits now, going into the holiday season, you are less likely to overeat sweets, get sick, and gain weight.  This 21-Day program is a more of a lifestyle reboot than it is a "cleanse."  Each year we do this as a large group and support each other.  Are you up to joining us for the challenge?

Find out more